In our work on the cooperation possibility frontier, we have demonstrated that as the framework for coordination and trust between nations increases, so too does our threshold for solving problems of a global nature. It is in humanity’s best interest to expand this frontier – thus improving global cooperation and coordination. But there is only […]
Author: Robert Bailey
Six simple ways to help the rainforests
Often times, when facing big issues that threaten our survival on the planet, it can seem that there’s not much average people can do to help. For example, in our series on global governance, we’ve talked about the need for cooperation among states, and that might not feel super actionable to the reader. The destruction […]
Why do we need global governance?
Global governance is necessary because humanity increasingly faces both problems and opportunities that are global in scale. Today, transnational problems such as violence and pandemics routinely reach across borders, affecting us all. At the same time, the increasingly integrated global system has also laid the necessary foundations for peace and spectacular prosperity. Effective global governance […]
What is global governance?
We speak a lot about global governance, but what exactly does “global governance” mean? Roughly speaking, global governance refers to governance on a global scale. While the concept seems simple in theory, it can take many forms in practice. National governments come in many shapes and sizes. But global governance, as we shall see, is […]

Ruling ourselves: The deliberate evolution of global cooperation and governance
Vision of Earth is proud to announce that we have been selected as a semi-finalist for the New Shape Prize from the Global Challenges Foundation. We’ve made our submission open to the public.
What does “Being Alive” mean to you?
What does “Being Alive” mean to you? What is the value of a human life? Is human life precious? There are many different answers to these questions – but here’s one way to think about them. Recall, or imagine, yourself waking up in the morning. The groggy feeling, the sleepiness, the feeling of soreness, unwillingness […]
Regina’s wastewater plant – Is a P3 the right answer?
So, the big vote is tomorrow. Regina residents have been back and forth with regards to the P3 debate, but there still seems to be a lot of undecided voters and confusion regarding the proposed project. Still haven’t decided? Want the lowdown? I’m going to do my best to explain.The first thing that’s required when […]