Vision of Earth is proud to announce that we have been selected as a semi-finalist for the New Shape Prize from the Global Challenges Foundation. We’ve made our submission open to the public.
Category: Media
Media that we find compelling, interesting, or useful
Fair Vote Canada Video Contest
Fair Vote Canada, an organization dedicated to voting system reform, has launched a video contest. The intent of the contest is to find new and better ways to communicate both the drawbacks of Canada’s current winner-takes-all voting system and the benefits of proportional representation (PR) voting systems. We fully support Fair Vote Canada in their […]
Harvest and Hunger: Amy Jo Ehman on local food choices
Hello! This is my first post on Vision of Earth. Glad to be here. On November 9th & 10th, SCIC (Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation) hosted an event in Saskatoon called Harvest and Hunger (introduced in our earlier post: Harvest and Hunger: Brainstorming the future of the world food system). SCIC is an umbrella organization that represents […]
Harvest and Hunger: Brainstorming the future of the world food system
Harvest and Hunger The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation is hosting an event in Saskatoon on November 10th called Harvest and Hunger. The event sets out to answer three questions: Who controls the world’s food? Who has power in the global food system? Who doesn’t? What are people doing – both in Saskatchewan and around […]
Moving Planet Montreal video by Developing Pictures
A wonderful video about Moving Planet Montreal was created by Alex Pritz of Developing Pictures. The video features Ben Harack in his first-ever YouTube appearance!
Ben’s Interview on Radio CKUT 90.3 FM
Ben Harack was interviewed on the Ecolibrium radio show on CKUT in Montreal. Topics were Moving Planet, Saskatchewan’s sustainability, and peer-based cross-disciplinary efforts towards sustainability.
How much would it cost to end extreme poverty in the world?
Ending extreme poverty in twenty years is very feasible if the developed world delivers on their promises. The United States alone could end world poverty with a fraction of their military budget.
Releasing some posts in mp3 format
Vision of Earth has begun to offer mp3 downloads of some of our content. These mp3 downloads can be considered podcasts of the same content.
Story Of Afghanistan That Everyone Should Know
The US sent huge sums of money to support freedom fighters in Afghanistan to fight the Soviet Union during the 1980’s.

Fact sheet on Canada Post lockout: Conservatives launch blitzkrieg on unions
The Conservatives have launched an attack on unions by creating a crisis to exploit. They control Canada Post since it is a crown corporation, and thus could have ended the lockout at any time. Instead they chose to slam the CUPW with back-to-work legislation that curtails the freedoms and rights of the workers.
Critique of Center for Freedom and Prosperity’s video featuring Dan Mitchell
This piece is a critique of a video featuring Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute created by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Our conclusion is that this video utterly fails to demonstrate the truth of its claims, and instead relies on psychological manipulation to try to ‘win’ the argument in the minds of viewers
John Klein: Social involvement and sustainability in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Canada
John Klein is a notable blogger and community activist in Regina, Saskatchewan. Here he answers our philosophical and practical questions about the most important issues facing our society today, and what each of us can do about them.

Politics in the 11th hour: The Canadian Cons
The Conservative Party has deliberately lied to the Canadian populace about several of the major issues that they have focused on during this election season. The intent of this piece is to describe why we have very good reason to believe this.
CRTC proposes changes to Canada’s regulations for false or misleading news
Proposed changes to the Canadian broadcaster regulations for false and misleading news are likely to lead to a degradation of our public discourse.
Canada’s Bill C-32: Copyright that can stifle creativity
The protections and advancements that Bill C-32 claims to make with regards to openness of media usage are all nullified by the digital lock sections of the bill. A digital lock takes away all of the important rights, and thus negates the flexibility of media usage.
Time Perspectives, Global Stability, and a Future Worth Living
How do we end the era of suicide bombers? We must give them a future that is worth living for. Currently we are destroying their futures, leaving them with only their hope of taking a shortcut to heaven.

Curtis Dorosh: Green living, building, and volunteering
How to live green? Build green buildings? Put our efforts towards a better future? Curtis Dorosh has spent much of his life trying to answer these questions. Collected here are some of his answers.

How trolls and extremists are damaging our public discourse
Trolls and extremists contaminate our public discourse with falsehoods, logical fallacies, irrational argument, poisoning the well, false expertise, and the creation of de-facto knowledge. Individuals must learn to resist the onslaught of ideas driven by these sections of society.
Lindsey Simpson of TEDxMcGill on volunteerism and planning major events
Lindsey Simpson, one of the organizers of TEDxMcGill, talks in this interview about why she likes to volunteer and work hard to plan such big events. TEDxMcGill is an externally organized TED event in the city of Montreal, Canada on November 20th, 2010.
Interview with wind power guru Paul Gipe
Wind power expert Paul Gipe advocates that we deliberately create our green energy future rather than wait around for it to happen. He says that we should aim to democratize our energy production for a more prosperous future.