Inflation means that a dollar is worth less at the end of a year than at the beginning. Real wages go down when raises are not higher than inflation rates.
Voted for Koch on the Corporate Hall of Shame
I voted for Koch Industries in the Corporate Hall of Shame. They push toxic political and economic agendas that hurt the world.
How healthy is Canada’s political market?
Looking at Canadian politics as a market, it is clear that left-leaning voters in Canada have a lot more choices at the ballot box than do their conservative counterparts. The melding of fiscal and social conservatism has left conservative voters with only one real option during elections. We might summarize this as a ‘Monopoly on conservatism in Canada’.

Opportunities and perils of natural gas usage on the road to renewables
Our increasing reliance on natural gas brings with it both opportunities and dangers during the shift towards renewable energy. This issue deals with some major issues regarding natural gas deployment in industry, power generation, food production, and heating.
Applying free market ideas to politics: How fares the US?
We apply the ideals of a free market economy to politics and realize that US politics is an extremely unhealthy market dominated by a pair of monopolistic ‘sellers’ who deliberately bar any third party from effectively challenging them.

Fact sheet on Canada Post lockout: Conservatives launch blitzkrieg on unions
The Conservatives have launched an attack on unions by creating a crisis to exploit. They control Canada Post since it is a crown corporation, and thus could have ended the lockout at any time. Instead they chose to slam the CUPW with back-to-work legislation that curtails the freedoms and rights of the workers.
Critique of Center for Freedom and Prosperity’s video featuring Dan Mitchell
This piece is a critique of a video featuring Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute created by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. Our conclusion is that this video utterly fails to demonstrate the truth of its claims, and instead relies on psychological manipulation to try to ‘win’ the argument in the minds of viewers
John Klein: Social involvement and sustainability in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Canada
John Klein is a notable blogger and community activist in Regina, Saskatchewan. Here he answers our philosophical and practical questions about the most important issues facing our society today, and what each of us can do about them.

Politics in the 11th hour: The Canadian Cons
The Conservative Party has deliberately lied to the Canadian populace about several of the major issues that they have focused on during this election season. The intent of this piece is to describe why we have very good reason to believe this.

Capitalism’s Labour Transitions – An Argument for Social Welfare
Capitalist labour transitions are a heavy burden on the working class and society in general, but they are also one of the cornerstones of progress. We can solve this problem in an economically practical as well as morally and socially desirable through the creation of a strong social welfare system.

A renewed look at 2010, a sustainable vision for 2011
Here we review major renewable energy topics from 2010 and then turn towards analyzing energy issues for 2011 and beyond.
CRTC proposes changes to Canada’s regulations for false or misleading news
Proposed changes to the Canadian broadcaster regulations for false and misleading news are likely to lead to a degradation of our public discourse.
Canada’s Bill C-32: Copyright that can stifle creativity
The protections and advancements that Bill C-32 claims to make with regards to openness of media usage are all nullified by the digital lock sections of the bill. A digital lock takes away all of the important rights, and thus negates the flexibility of media usage.
Time Perspectives, Global Stability, and a Future Worth Living
How do we end the era of suicide bombers? We must give them a future that is worth living for. Currently we are destroying their futures, leaving them with only their hope of taking a shortcut to heaven.

Curtis Dorosh: Green living, building, and volunteering
How to live green? Build green buildings? Put our efforts towards a better future? Curtis Dorosh has spent much of his life trying to answer these questions. Collected here are some of his answers.
How to argue with trolls and extremists
How to argue against those who will never change their mind, and who will undermine your attempts to discuss things meaningfully. These are our best tips for how to deal with trolls and extremists.

Vision of Earth in social media
At Vision of Earth, we have been innovating our social media presence. Here we discuss how you can interact with us through Facebook, Twitter, RSS, email, Digg, Reddit, and our newsletter.
Demand side management to help build a renewable power grid
Demand side management helps make our power grid more cost-effective and aids in the transition towards renewable energy. It can also be considered as a very green policy on its own, as it reduces the amount of power we need to produce, and thus our impact on the environment.

How trolls and extremists are damaging our public discourse
Trolls and extremists contaminate our public discourse with falsehoods, logical fallacies, irrational argument, poisoning the well, false expertise, and the creation of de-facto knowledge. Individuals must learn to resist the onslaught of ideas driven by these sections of society.
Vision of Earth has a newsletter!
We have created a newsletter for Vision of Earth! The intent of this effort is to stimulate continued two-way communication with our readers and to provide concise summaries of important content we have created and experienced.