Ben Harack was interviewed on the Ecolibrium radio show on CKUT in Montreal. Topics were Moving Planet, Saskatchewan’s sustainability, and peer-based cross-disciplinary efforts towards sustainability.
Tag: Collaborative Work
John Klein: Social involvement and sustainability in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Canada
John Klein is a notable blogger and community activist in Regina, Saskatchewan. Here he answers our philosophical and practical questions about the most important issues facing our society today, and what each of us can do about them.

A renewed look at 2010, a sustainable vision for 2011
Here we review major renewable energy topics from 2010 and then turn towards analyzing energy issues for 2011 and beyond.

Curtis Dorosh: Green living, building, and volunteering
How to live green? Build green buildings? Put our efforts towards a better future? Curtis Dorosh has spent much of his life trying to answer these questions. Collected here are some of his answers.
Software tools that we use to collaborate across the world
How do we keep in touch? How do we collaborate over such distances? This post is a description of the major software tools we use to do this.