So, the big vote is tomorrow. Regina residents have been back and forth with regards to the P3 debate, but there still seems to be a lot of undecided voters and confusion regarding the proposed project. Still haven’t decided? Want the lowdown? I’m going to do my best to explain.The first thing that’s required when […]
Tag: Public Discourse

Vision of Earth submission chosen as finalist in Morph My City Competition
Vision of Earth has been selected as a finalist in the Regina Morph My City competition. We’ll be presenting our work at the National Infrastructure Summit and releasing all of it to the public.

Moving Planet Montreal
Moving Planet Montreal was a celebration of the transition away from fossil fuels in our society. The event was a green kilometer drive and a grand picnic, symbolizing the central role of transportation and food in sustainability.
How much would it cost to end extreme poverty in the world?
Ending extreme poverty in twenty years is very feasible if the developed world delivers on their promises. The United States alone could end world poverty with a fraction of their military budget.
Voted for Koch on the Corporate Hall of Shame
I voted for Koch Industries in the Corporate Hall of Shame. They push toxic political and economic agendas that hurt the world.
Applying free market ideas to politics: How fares the US?
We apply the ideals of a free market economy to politics and realize that US politics is an extremely unhealthy market dominated by a pair of monopolistic ‘sellers’ who deliberately bar any third party from effectively challenging them.

Politics in the 11th hour: The Canadian Cons
The Conservative Party has deliberately lied to the Canadian populace about several of the major issues that they have focused on during this election season. The intent of this piece is to describe why we have very good reason to believe this.

Capitalism’s Labour Transitions – An Argument for Social Welfare
Capitalist labour transitions are a heavy burden on the working class and society in general, but they are also one of the cornerstones of progress. We can solve this problem in an economically practical as well as morally and socially desirable through the creation of a strong social welfare system.

A renewed look at 2010, a sustainable vision for 2011
Here we review major renewable energy topics from 2010 and then turn towards analyzing energy issues for 2011 and beyond.
CRTC proposes changes to Canada’s regulations for false or misleading news
Proposed changes to the Canadian broadcaster regulations for false and misleading news are likely to lead to a degradation of our public discourse.