Capitalist labour transitions are a heavy burden on the working class and society in general, but they are also one of the cornerstones of progress. We can solve this problem in an economically practical as well as morally and socially desirable through the creation of a strong social welfare system.
Tag: Social Sciences

How can you deliberately change your society?
How do people try to chance society? Why do these methods work? How can they be resisted? Progressive and regressive change can depend on many of the same basic techniques.
Hans Rosling: Health, wealth, and progress of the world
While demonstrating the changes on his graphs, Rosling delivers a rapid-fire description of the major political choices and world forces that are driving the change.
The dangers of news media speed
We have an ever-accelerating journalism cycle that is making mistakes, shortening our attention spans, presenting opinion as news, and trivializing our political debates. Media literacy is the only reliable cure, and we all need to learn it. Fast.
Tony Robbins on inspiration and accomplishment
Tony Robbins gave a blockbuster talk at TED on the subject of what motivates people. One of the most interesting occurrences we have ever seen happened in this talk, when Tony ran off the stage to high-five Al Gore. This happened right after Tony asked the audience to list things that were excuses for failing to […]
Voluntary and collaborative sustainable development
We believe that voluntary collaborative efforts towards SD are more effective than personal or involuntary efforts towards SD, and this article is intended to describe the major reasons why.
What is the ladder of economic development?
The ladder of development is a useful concept that we first found in Jeffrey Sachs’ excellent book ‘The End of Poverty’. This concept provides a useful framework for the discussion of economic development with regards to poverty reduction. This is a conceptual tool, not necessarily a framework for understanding all of economics.
How do we define poverty?
Every country has people living in poverty. Here we will distinguish between people living in extreme poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty1 . A person in relative poverty has consistent access to the basic necessities of life, while those in extreme or moderate poverty do not. Extreme Poverty People in extreme poverty are the poorest people in […]
Review of ‘The Measure of Man’
This book was published in 1954, amid what the author, Dr. Joseph Wood Krutch, calls ‘The Age of Anxiety’. The world had just suffered through two wars that heavily eroded the optimism that had existed at the beginning of the 20th century. The tremendous destruction had seriously shaken the ideals of the world. This led […]